For two people this dawn brought on a magical day
Now husband and wife they head on their way
As a boat setting sail may their journey begin
With calmest of waters, most helpful of wind
And if they should stumble upon turbulent sea
May it pass them unharming - leave them be.
For here are two people whom love has well bitten
Here opens their book which has yet to be written
As the first page unfolds and their life inks its path
May it write a true story where forever love lasts
Let their journey be happy till death do they part
Of one thousand chapters may this be the star
I also liked these ones too though:
I Do.
(brides name) and (grooms name), as you say -I Do'
And promise to love your whole life through
Remember that today is just a start:
Just a beginning, a pledge from the heart
A marriage isn't dresses or aisles or rings
Or wedding cakes and invites and all those things
It's taking and giving in equal share
It's promising that you will always be there
When things depress you and get you down
When you're feeling sad and he's acting the clown
Remember this day, and why you chose to be here
Then Thank God for each other, year after year.
What is Marriage?
Its a journey of promise that two make together
to find a happiness they'll share forever
its a smile a word -a gentle touch
that cant be explained- yet means to much
its making plans and seeing them through
and finding new things that two can do
its knowing the sky isn't always blue
but smiling until the sun breaks through
its trust and confidence - no hidden fears
that add to the happiness - through the years
its dreaming dreams just made for two
sharing the joy when they come true
It's closeness shared in a crowded street
and that special thrill as lovers meet
its making a world where happiness holds
a special magic as each day unfolds
Its when little thoughts give the heart a lift
an occasion remembered - a simple gift
its the faith and the hope, the pride and the care
and the wonderful love that both of you share.


  1. Hey brother, that's awesome read. Its clearly you write from your heart, for some words there are deep. Though I have an issue I will inbox, in one of your paragraphs .. Otherwise good job. And happy birthday to Leken


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