Will I ever be the same?
From the first time I realized you exist
My life changed
I saw something in you ,I haven't in a while
I started noticing...
How beautiful your eyes are
Your light complexion
Your height, so average
And how you never smile
And when you eventually did
I noticed the smile

How you become when you are shy
I liked how you carry yourself
And the person you are.
Will I ever see you again?
Coz its been a while
And you've been out of sight
I've been trying not to sulk
But your absence does me no good.
Will I ever?

Will I ever speak to you?
'Cuz the last time you said something
My mouth went dry
And my voice disappeared
But I hope you reappear.
I don't know how
I don't know why
but for some reason my heart has gone frail
For you have not been around.
The last time you said something that gave me hope
It didn't last long ,Cuz it didn't make me whole.


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